for hiring strippers
#1 Hire your strippers for your party from a local entertainment company / stripper agency.
Nationwide agencies hire by photos sent in, not by meeting in person.
Ocean City VIP Party Strippers hiring process is by BOTH, we request pictures to be sent in AND meet in person. The owner also does a facetime interview prior to meeting.
Big agencies also don't do 1-on-1 training. We do!
#2 Quality shop, don't price shop.
Don't fall victim of too good to be true bargain deals.
If a price is much lower than other company's price quotes, then most likely you're risking ending up with horrible quality and mediocre talent.
#3 Hire strippers for your bachelor party from a female owned agency, not some shady dude behind a phone!
Ocean City VIP Party Strippers is owned and run by a former stripper, managed by one of the strippers and the phone girl is a sister to the owner.
Would you rather leave your trust to your buddy's last hoorah (his last night of freedom!) to some sleazy guy who got into this industry because they wanted more a$$ or by a young college educated girl who got fed up working for slimeballs so she started her own company!?
#4 Ask questions! Don't ever hesitate to confirm details and ask questions. You can text us anytime with all your questions and concerns!
Ocean City VIP Party Strippers is available by phone to
call or text @ 443-266-8559
We also have our WhatsApp connected too! (if you are on a mobile device, you can click the contact box). Our live website chat is in the right hand corner, if you do not receive an immediate response please be patient we will be right with you...(may be dancing, sleeping or at the gym). Text us!
#5 Pick out your favorite girls on the stripper gallery page, select 6 to assure that we have your favorites + backups. This will guarantee you getting what you want! It's impossible to guarantee two specific girls from our list. Most of our VIP Strippers like to work with certain girls... Trust me you definitely want your party girls to have chemistry!
Ocean City VIP Party Strippers only sends out girls who have chemistry together!
We always GUARANTEE blonde + brunette duos!
#6 The location of your bachelor party or guys night out party should provide enough space for the girls to do their show.
If you are having your party in an AirBnb then the living room will be perfect, just move the coffee table to the side. If you are in a hotel room then just make sure luggage and tables are moved out of the way.
Ocean City VIP Party Strippers can accommodate any space whether BIG or small!
#7 It gets very hot and humid in the summer time, so please make sure that the temperature is comfortable for the entertainers. When booking your AirBnb double check with the host that their air conditioner will properly cool down the home with a large group inside.
Also don't freeze the girls out either please!
Trust me you definitely want the girls comfortable and in great moods! When they're comfortable = best time for everybody!

The strippers you hire for your bachelor party can make or break your best buddy's last hoorah AKA his...special event. It’s important that you hire your entertainment through a professional company that can deliver hot & sexy, flirty, talented, fun, and exciting party girls. Ocean City VIP Party Strippers strippers' are the best of the best in the industry and will leave your guests stunned with their unforgettable dripping HOT wild & crazy bachelor shows.
Many people fall victim of stripper scams, so we thought we’d put together some questions and tips to ensure you are hiring an Ocean City Maryland Stripper company that can deliver hot and quality entertainment for your special event:
- Is the company real and trustworthy? Take a look at the company’s website and other information online. Do they always answer the phone OR do they text you?
Never hire a company who does not pick up your phone call! This is most likely because it is a shady dude behind the phone pretending to be a fun wild and hot stripper girl...
- Are the strippers working for themselves? Never hire strippers who work independently. They will often times show up late, will look terrible, rush your show, and scam you out of hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
- Are there any hidden fees? Lots of companies have many hidden fees they don’t tell you about until you’re opening up your wallet at a show. Make sure you ask about any fees you may be required to pay besides the cost of the show.
Ocean City VIP Party Strippers are up front and do not sugar coat anything! We always tell out customers that tipping is required. Any stripper agency claiming it is an
all inclusive package BEWARE! They just want to collect their fee and do not care for their entertainers. Our party strippers do a show where tipping is mandatory to
get to the next level... Ocean City VIP Party Strippers show goes MILD TO WILD and tipping is how our exotic dancers make their money.
When booking an entertainment company, the booking agent has their fee and the company itself has overhead costs for marketing and advertising + bachelor party supplies cost as well for the girls, like outfits, costumes, party lights, music stereo and party supplies for the games...
- Is the show full nude? Most companies advertise full nude on their websites, but do not deliver full nude during the show. Make sure you confirm that the show will be full nude to get the most bang for your buck.
- Are they familiar with the area? Make sure the company you hire is familiar with the area your event is located in. There’s nothing worse than having a room full of men waiting around while the best-man gives directions to a lost stripper on the phone.
- Ask around. This is probably the best tip you could ever get in regards to hiring the right strippers for your bachelor party. Ask your buddies what their experiences have been with other companies and if they “know anyone”. I guarantee they will refer you to US- Ocean City VIP Strippers is the only local stripper agency.
We do not send our girls from 4 hours away like our competitors do!
- These guidelines and tips will help to ensure your bachelor party is wild, crazy, and one that your buddies will never, ever forget!
Your bachelor will thank you for finding us- the only exotic dancer - female run stripper agency on the eastern shore!
- Call or Text Us 443-266-8559 to book the best bachelor party strippers in Ocean City, MD and Dewey Beach, DE